I awoke this morning to the unwelcome companions of aggravation and annoyance. Family, friends, pets, unwashed dishes, laundry waiting to be folded, piles of correspondence, myself-it didn't matter, I was annoyed. So on a cold and windy spring day I put Prudy in the car and drove to one of my favorite walks in the town of Hancock, about 10 miles away. The trail follows an old rail bed and meanders thru beautiful forest for several miles. Prudy and I had it to ourselves and we walked about a mile to where the trail crosses a quiet tidal cove.
It seems I haven't been outdoors for months and months. I was cold this winter and could rarely make myself don down jacket, scarf, hat, gloves and boots for a substantial walk. Perhaps I was lazy, too. But this morning got me on the right track and I came home renewed and right with the world.
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