31. For the Beauty
An exceptionally long and mild spring, a beautiful beginning to summer in Maine, and a recent roadtrip rambling thru the backwoods of Vermont have reminded me of a favorite hymn. How lucky I am to breathe fresh, clean air...to see the ocean everyday as I drive to work...to walk on still forest paths...to look up at a bright night sky and see hundreds of stars...to be loved by dear friends and family.

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth over and around us lies,
For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower, sun and moon, and stars of light,
For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind's delight,
For the mystic harmony linking sense to sound and sight,
For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild,
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
Folliet Sandford Pierpoint (1835-1917)
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