Bill is in excellent shape for his age-I often jokingly
attribute that to his marrying a younger wife who won’t let him rest on his
laurels. He exercises, eats well, reads
voraciously, teaches a few private ‘cello students and travels. All good things to keep the mind and body in
good shape. However, 80 is daunting- no
ifs, ands or buts, one is firmly planted in old age by this time.
This has been a hard birthday for me; a sobering one, in
fact. I found myself unable to join in
the festivities with a light spirit and instead felt more like an observer on
the outside looking in. My usual
optimism about the future suddenly included a twinge of fear and foreboding. I feel like a corner has been turned and the
path is now somewhat different. And my
footing is not so sure.
I have been married to Bill for 30 years, over half of my
life. It is a good life, one that I hope
will continue for _____ years. I don’t
know how to fill in the blank anymore.